Bozhena Shkoliak. Life of Natalia Polonska–Vasylenko



Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko, memories, lifestyle, childhood, family, family upbringing, Fundukleiv Gymnasium, Kyiv Higher Women's Courses, Professor M. V. Dovnar-Zapolsky, Kyiv, 1884–1910.


There are few figures of the scale of Ukrainian historian Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko in Ukrainian and European science. The long and fruitful path of this charming and intelligent woman in the field of historical science is impressive. Her creative heritage includes over 200 works, some of which are recognized at the level of World Ukrainian Studies. Research and comprehension of Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko’s long, fruitful, interesting life path help to understand how all this happened in her life, and how this person managed to do all this.
The article examines the life of Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko from 1884 to 1910 through the analysis of her memories of family, childhood, family upbringing, years of study, her passion for archeology, and the beginning of becoming a researcher.


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Morhunova, I. (2009). Natalya Polonska-Vasylenko: period stanovlennya [Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko: the period of formation]. Visnyk Kyyivs’koho natsional’noho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Istoriya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History]. Vyp. 98 [in Ukrainian].

Morhunova, I. (2010). Uchast’ N. Polonskoyi-Vasylenko v istoryko-etnohrafichnomu hurtku pry Universyteti Sv. Volodymyra [Participation of N. Polonska-Vasylenko in the historical and ethnographic circle at St. Volodymyr’s University]. Visnyk Kyyivs’koho natsiona’ʹnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Istoriya [Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History]. Vyp. 100. [in Ukrainian].

Verba, I. V. (2000). Zhyttya i tvorchist’ N. D. Polonskoyi-Vasylenko (1884 – 1973) [Life and work of ND Polonska-Vasylenko (1884 – 1973)]. Kyiv, 340 [in Ukrainian].

Verba, I. V. (1996). Istoriya ukrayins’koyi arkheohrafiyi: personaliyi [History of Ukrainian archeography: personalities]. Vyp. 4: Arkheohrafichna diyal’nist’ N. D. Polonskoyi-Vasylenko [Archaeographic activity of N. D. Polonska-Vasylenko]. Kyiv, 38.

Mytsyk, YU. A. Z lystuvannya N. Polonskoyi-Vasylenko z mytropolytom Ilarionom Ohiyenkom [From the correspondence of N. Polonska-Vasylenko with Metropolitan Hilarion Ogienko] [in Ukrainian].

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How to Cite

Школяк, Б. . (2022). Bozhena Shkoliak. Life of Natalia Polonska–Vasylenko. Young Scholars Grinchenko – Seton International Journal, 4(4), 87–92. Retrieved from



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