Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

Authors who publish in this journal accept the following conditions:

The authors reserve the right of authorship of the work and give the journal the right of first publication of this work under the conditions of  Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY, which allows others freely distribute the work published with reference to the authors of the original work and the first publication of this magazine.

Authors have the right to sign separate additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of work in the form in which it was published in this magazine (for example, in an electronic repository institutions or to publish as a part of the monograph), providing the reference to the first publication of this magazine.

Policy magazine allows and encourages authors to put on the Internet (eg, in storage facilities or on personal websites) manuscripts, before submitting the manuscript to the editor and during the editorial processing, such it leads to productive scientific discussion and a positive impact on the efficiency and dynamics of citing published work.