Publication policy

1. The editorial policy of the electronic journal «Young Scientists Grinchenko – Seton International Journal» is aimed at compliance with the ethical norms adopted by the international scientific community.
2. The Editors check the submitted articles for plagiarism with the help of appropriate software. Editors have the right to reject any manuscript. Articles with plagiarism should never be accepted. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information in the articles, the accuracy of names, surnames, and citations of the submitted materials in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (Law of Ukraine «On Copyright and Related Rights»).

3. The expert evaluation process involves bilateral «blind» (double-blind) reviewing where the author and the reviewer did not know each other.
4. All scientific articles submitted to the editorial board, are reviewed on the following basis: an objective assessment of the content of the article, its conformity to actual problems of science and the requirements of the e-journal; comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the article.
5. Articles are accepted on a rolling basis. Materials that have successfully passed the peer review stage and received a positive response from the editors are accepted for publication.

6. In order to improve the scientific image of the e-journal, the editorial staff welcomes the use of articles of reference to the latest publications, which have the DOI identifier and are indexed in the bibliographic database Scopus.
7. Each publication of the electronic journal is approved by the History of Ukraine Department of the History and Philosophy Faculty of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
8. All files are archived and stored in the National Library of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.