Requirements to an article

Requirements for an article

The materials submitted were well-read and edited; the article – from 0.5 to 1 printed sheet (from 20 000 to 40 000 printed characters), taking into account the annexes and the list of sources and literature.

At the top of the first page (in the right corner) the UDC of the article (in normal font) is obligatory; from the new line (in the left corner) – the author's first and last name (bold, italic); the next line (center) – the title of the article (size 14, bold, uppercase, up to 10 words). After the title is submitted the author's first and last name, place of work, work address (if the author does not work, indicate his home address), email, and ORCID.

Through one paragraph, an extended summary abstract and keywords (1500 to 2000 characters, 200-250 words) are expanded. The abstract should contain the following information: the importance of the chosen topic; subject and methods of research and emphasis on their components, peculiarities of studying the problem, and significance of the results.

The article should have the following structure: 1) the problem in general and its relation to scientific or practical tasks; 2) analysis of recent research and publications; 3) goals and objectives; 4) an outline of the basic material; 5) conclusions and recommendations for further researches.

Personal information (full name, year of birth, academic degree, affiliation, place of work, home or work address, contact telephone number, email address) is mandatory in the article.

Articles are submitted:

In Microsoft Word text editor (.rtf extension), Times New Roman font, 12 font sizes, 1 line spacing, text alignment – width, all edges 2 cm.

Highlighting the word in italics, bold, modify, reduce or increase the font is not allowed. In the text should be distinguished between dash "-" dashes "─". The emphasis in the text is not allowed. Tables and other images are accompanied by the placement title (table – right above the table, figure – below). The pages of the article are not numbered. Photos and other visual elements (black and white, grayscale) are placed both in the text of the article and sent separately as files in one of the common formats (TIFF, PCX, JPG, BMP, CDR).

Initials for surnames, abbreviations of type, etc., XX centuries, and names of settlements, are printed with a continuous space (at the same time pressing the keys Ctrl + Shift + Space). Reduction type 80's, 2nd abbreviations are printed through a non-breaking hyphen (while pressing the Ctrl + Shift + hyphen) keys.

Information about the sources used in the text of the article is provided in the form of intertextual references in parentheses (short form: Author (s) (title, or without author), year, P. №). It is allowed to make short text notes at the end of the page if it is needed.

«References» are given without numbering, in alphabetical order.

The References block must be designed in accordance with the International Standard for the List of the International Publication Styles APA 7 (American Psychological Association (APA) Style 7 version).