Olena Kazimirenko. Popularization of Ukrainian culture through projects of students majoring in “Graphic Design”



graphic design, student projects, diploma projects, sketches of coins, aesthetics, cultural education


Topics of educational and qualification projects of students of the Specialized college “Universum” Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, specialty "Design", directly or indirectly promotes Ukrainian history, culture, and art. A prerequisite for the implementation of high-quality and popular projects is a preliminary study of the historical, social, and technological components of the project. The relationship between such research and the preconditions for the emergence of the finished work is sometimes no less exciting than the finished work. The article presents several projects and describes the idea and history of their emergence.


Diachenko, A. (2021). Theory and practice of diploma design of students indecorative and applied arts and design. Ukrainian educational journal. 3. 93-98. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2021-3-93-98. [in Ukrainian].

National Bank of Ukraine (04.04.2022). Vyznacheni pidsumky holosuvannya za eskizy dlya stvorennya numizmatychnoyi produktsiyi, prysvyachenoyi borotʹbi Ukrayiny z ahresiyeyu rf [The results of voting for sketches for the creation of numismatic products dedicated to Ukraine's struggle against russian aggression have been determined]. https://bank.gov.ua/ua/news/all/viznacheni-pidsumki-golosuvannya-za-eskizi-dlya-stvorennya-numizmatichnoyi-produktsiyi-prisvyachenoyi-borotbi-ukrayini-z-agresiyeyu-rf. [in Ukrainian].

Musiiachenko, O. S. (2020). Muzychne seredovyshche Kyyeva druhoyi polovyny KHIKH – pochatku KHKH st. u turystychnomu obrazi mista [Music environment of Kyiv as an element of tourist image of the city in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries]. Hrinchenko – Seton mizhnarodnyy zhurnal molodykh naukovtsiv [Young Scientists Grinchenko – Seton International Journal]. Vol. 1. 1. 46-61. https://ysgsij.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/issue/view/1/8. [in Ukrainian].

Musiiachenko, O. S. (2016). Doslidzhennia obrazu muzychnoho zhyttia Kyieva druhoi polovyny ХІХ – pochatku ХХ st. na storinkakh drukovanykh dzherel [Researching of the image of the musical life of Kyiv in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. on the pages of printed sources]. Naukometrychnyi zhurnal ScienceRise [Scientometric journal ScienceRise]. Vol. 9. 1(26). 23-31 [in Ukrainian].

Shulska, N. M., Koshekyu, O. V., Rozhilo, M. A. (2020). Artknyha yak skladnyk vizualʹnoyi paradyhmy suchasnoho mediynoho seredovyshcha [Art book as part of the visual paradigm of modern media environment]. Vcheni zapysky TNU imeni V. I. Vernads’koho. Seriya: Filolohiya. Sotsialʹni komunikatsiyi [Scientific notes of TNU named after V. I. Vernadsky. Series: Philology. Social communications]. Vol. 31(70). 3, 3. 194-198. http://www.philol.vernadskyjournals.in.ua/journals/2020/3_2020/part_3/32.pdf.[in Ukrainian].



How to Cite

Казіміренко, О. . (2022). Olena Kazimirenko. Popularization of Ukrainian culture through projects of students majoring in “Graphic Design”. Young Scholars Grinchenko – Seton International Journal, 4(4), 116–124. Retrieved from https://ysgsij.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/137



Section 2. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University Young Scholars Studies