Mark Milyutin. Medical goods and services in the advertising space of Kyiv periodics of the end of the 19 – early 20 century



Mark Milyutin. Medical goods and services in the advertising space of Kyiv periodics of the end of the 19 – early 20 century.

Abstract. The intelligence analyzes the information possibilities of Kyiv newspapers «Kievlianin», «Kievskie vesti», «Kievskaia mysl», «Iuzhnaia kopeika» from the end of XIX - beginning of the XX century in the field of medical goods and services.  During working on this topic following steps were done: characterization of the source value of periodicals, study of  the market of medical specialties and the availability of medical services for citizens, observation of the network of health resorts which are located near and further from   Kyiv, also were traced the range of medical services offered by recreational facilities and their price policy.

 Keywords: Kyiv, newspaper, advertising, medicine, cosmetics.

Author Biography

Mark Milyutin, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

УДК 070(477-25):659.1: [330.12:61]



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How to Cite

Мілютін, М. . (2021). Mark Milyutin. Medical goods and services in the advertising space of Kyiv periodics of the end of the 19 – early 20 century. Young Scholars Grinchenko – Seton International Journal, 2(2), 63–71. Retrieved from