Vladyslav Shutochkin. Military-political cooperation between Ukraine and Turkey as a component of countering putin's russian armed aggression



Ukrainian-Turkish relations, military-political cooperation, full-scale invasion, putin's russia, bayraktar, Black Sea region.


The article analyzes the military-political cooperation between Ukraine and Turkey during the XXI century, which has become one of the components of Ukraine's defense against full-scale russian aggression. A historical vision of the formation of relations is shown, which became the basis for the establishment of a modern military-political alliance. Based on the analysis of Ukrainian scientists, certificates of the diplomatic missions of Ukraine and Turkey, interstate agreements, and official media, the content of cooperation is revealed, the forms and directions of military-political cooperation between Ukraine and Turkey and their implementation in the russian-Ukrainian confrontation are shown. The main reasons that hinder the fruitful military-political dialogue in the conditions of a full-scale invasion of putin's russia into Ukraine are analyzed. Ukraine and Turkey have had common historical and political ties for centuries. Therefore, when Ukraine became an independent state, the Republic of Turkey is beginning to become a reliable partner for it. The parties are actively cooperating in the political and military spheres. Turkey, as one of the first countries in the world, recognized the independence of Ukraine. A number of agreements have been signed between the two countries, including military cooperation, training, joint coordination of their armed forces, and joint actions to maintain security in the Black Sea region. Nowadays, Turkey is an active supplier of weapons, including “Bayraktar” drones. Also, Turkey is a reliable political partner during the full-scale invasion of putin's russia. In particular, it has closed the Bosporus and Dardanelles to prevent the russian federation from increasing its navy and is helping to organize the extraction of Mariupol defenders. However, Turkey, as a country of the anti-putin coalition, has not imposed anti-russian sanctions, has not closed the airspace with russia, and is actively cooperating with the aggressor economically and touristically. Thus, the military-political alliance between Ukraine and Turkey calls into question the existence of good neighborly relations between these countries.


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How to Cite

Шуточкін, В. . (2022). Vladyslav Shutochkin. Military-political cooperation between Ukraine and Turkey as a component of countering putin’s russian armed aggression . Young Scholars Grinchenko – Seton International Journal, 4(4), 58–70. Retrieved from https://ysgsij.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/130



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