Yaroslav Prymachenko. Pedagogical and public activities of Vasyl Lyaskoronsky



Vasyl Lyaskoronsky, Ukrainian historian, archeologist, scholar, pedagogue; scientific, pedagogical, and public activities; St. Volodymyr University, All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, end of the 19th – first third of the 20th century.


The article examines the scientific, pedagogical, and public activities of Ukrainian historian, archeologist, scholar, and pedagogue Vasyl Lyaskoronsky (1856–1928). He was one of the brightest representatives of the Scientific School of Historians of Ukrainian Studies of Professor Volodymyr Antonovych at the St. Volodymyr University in Kyiv. Vasyl Lyaskoronsky’s pedagogical activity in educational institutions of Kyiv, Nizhyn, and Moscow is covered. It is proved that the scientific activity of Vasyl Lyaskoronsky was productive, and multifaceted throughout his life. The active work of Vasyl Lyaskoronsky in many commissions, sections, and committees of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences was considered. It was established that the fruitful scientific, pedagogical, and public activities of Vasyl Lyaskoronsky were highly professional throughout his life.


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How to Cite

Примаченко , Я. (2022). Yaroslav Prymachenko. Pedagogical and public activities of Vasyl Lyaskoronsky . Young Scholars Grinchenko – Seton International Journal, 4(4), 77–86. Retrieved from https://ysgsij.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/132



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