Ярослав Примаченко. Розвиток транспортних послуг у Києві на початку ХХ ст. на сторінках газети «Киевлянин»

Yaroslav Prymachenko. Development of transport services in Kyiv in the early twentieth century in the newspaper «Kievlyanin»



Ярослав Примаченко. Розвиток транспортних послуг у Києві на початку ХХ ст. на сторінках газети «Киевлянин»

Аbstract. Rapid growth of the territory and population of Kyiv in the early twentieth century contributed to the rapid development of the city's transport economy. An extensive network of rail and water services intensified migration processes, ensuring a constant connection of the provincial center with the largest cities of the Russian Empire. In 1905, Kyiv had a population of 450,000. On the eve of the First World War, the population of Kyiv reached  more than 629,000 inhabitants. The dynamics of population growth in Kyiv, the steady growth of the city area due to the accession of suburban areas, necessitated the development of public transport: tram lines were built, attempts were made to introduce bus services, etc. Significantly growing number of cars in Kyiv in the early twentieth century and the electrification of the tram marked a new stage in the development of the city's infrastructure. The development of Kyiv newspaper periodicals was inextricably linked with the economic and socio-cultural development of the city, which was reflected in the thematic focus of publications that were to meet the information needs of the city's population.

Keywords: Kyiv, early 20th century, transport services, public transport of Kyiv, periodicals, newspaper "Kievlyanin".


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Як цитувати

Примаченко, Я. . (2022). Ярослав Примаченко. Розвиток транспортних послуг у Києві на початку ХХ ст. на сторінках газети «Киевлянин» : Yaroslav Prymachenko. Development of transport services in Kyiv in the early twentieth century in the newspaper «Kievlyanin» . Грінченко – Сетон міжнародний журнал молодих науковців, 3(3), 69–77. вилучено із https://ysgsij.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/99



Розділ 2. Студії молодих дослідників Київського університету Бориса Грінченка